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πŸ—ƒοΈ 3 ways to pretty print JSON in Go

introduction json strings

In everyday programming work (especially as a web developer), you often have to debug and analyze JSON responses. In such cases, it is good to display them with an appropriate indentation for better readability, which is often called pretty printing or beautifying JSON. In Go, we can do this in several ways using the encoding/json package.

JSON pretty print by marshaling value

Function json.MarshalIndent generates JSON encoding of the value with indentation. You can specify a prefix of each JSON line and indent copied one or more times according to the indentation level. In our example, we pretty-print JSON using four spaces for indentation.

package main

import (

func PrettyStruct(data interface{}) (string, error) {
    val, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", "    ")
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return string(val), nil

type Fruit struct {
    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Color string `json:"color"`

func main() {
    fruit := Fruit{
        Name:  "Strawberry",
        Color: "red",
    res, err := PrettyStruct(fruit)
    if err != nil {

JSON pretty print by encoding value

If you use json.Encode, you can set indentation through Encoder.SetIndent method similarly to as in marshaling, by defining a prefix and indent.

package main

import (

func PrettyEncode(data interface{}, out io.Writer) error {
    enc := json.NewEncoder(out)
    enc.SetIndent("", "    ")
    if err := enc.Encode(data); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

type Fruit struct {
    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Color string `json:"color"`

func main() {
    fruit := Fruit{
        Name:  "Strawberry",
        Color: "red",
    var buffer bytes.Buffer
    err := PrettyEncode(fruit, &buffer)
    if err != nil {

Pretty print JSON string

Package encoding/json also has a useful function json.Indent to beautify JSON string without indentation to JSON with indentation. The function needs the source JSON, output buffer, prefix, and indent.

package main

import (

func PrettyString(str string) (string, error) {
    var prettyJSON bytes.Buffer
    if err := json.Indent(&prettyJSON, []byte(str), "", "    "); err != nil {
        return "", err
    return prettyJSON.String(), nil

func main() {
    fruitJSON := `{"name": "Strawberry", "color": "red"}`
    res, err := PrettyString(fruitJSON)
    if err != nil {

All methods print JSON string with indentation:

    "name": "Strawberry",
    "color": "red"

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