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πŸ€” Print type of variable in Go

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introduction type format

To print a variable’s type, you can use the %T verb in the fmt.Printf() function format. It’s the simplest and most recommended way of printing type of a variable.

package main

import (

func main() {
    t1 := "text"
    t2 := []string{"apple", "strawberry", "blueberry"}
    t3 := map[string]float64{"strawberry": 3.2, "blueberry": 1.2}
    t4 := 2
    t5 := 4.5
    t6 := true

    fmt.Printf("t1: %T\n", t1)
    fmt.Printf("t2: %T\n", t2)
    fmt.Printf("t3: %T\n", t3)
    fmt.Printf("t4: %T\n", t4)
    fmt.Printf("t5: %T\n", t5)
    fmt.Printf("t6: %T\n", t6)

Alternatively, you can use the TypeOf() function from the reflection package reflect. However, it uses complex and expensive runtime reflection, so if you just need to print the type of a variable, it is better to use the first method.

package main

import (

func main() {
    t1 := "text"
    t2 := []string{"apple", "strawberry", "blueberry"}
    t3 := map[string]float64{"strawberry": 3.2, "blueberry": 1.2}
    t4 := 2
    t5 := 4.5
    t6 := true

    fmt.Printf("t1: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(t1))
    fmt.Printf("t2: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(t2))
    fmt.Printf("t3: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(t3))
    fmt.Printf("t4: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(t4))
    fmt.Printf("t5: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(t5))
    fmt.Printf("t6: %s\n", reflect.TypeOf(t6))

Both methods return the same output:

t1: string
t2: []string
t3: map[string]float64
t4: int
t5: float64
t6: bool

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