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🏟️ Capacity and length of a slice in Go

introduction slice array

In Go, the length of a slice tells you how many elements it contains. It can be obtained using the len() function. The capacity is the size of the slice’s underlying array and can be obtained with the cap() function.

Difference between arrays and slices

To better understand the difference between the capacity and length of a slice, first, you should know the differences between arrays and slices.


An array is an indexed collection of a certain size with values of the same type, declared as:

var name [size]type

Go array

Initializing an array

var a [4]int                      // array with zero values
var b [4]int = [4]int{0, 1, 2}    // partially initialized array
var c [4]int = [4]int{1, 2, 3, 4} // array initialization
d := [...]int{5, 6, 7, 0}         // ... - means that array size equals the number of elements in the array literal

fmt.Printf("a: length: %d, capacity: %d, data: %v\n", len(a), cap(a), a)
fmt.Printf("b: length: %d, capacity: %d, data: %v\n", len(b), cap(b), b)
fmt.Printf("c: length: %d, capacity: %d, data: %v\n", len(c), cap(c), c)
fmt.Printf("d: length: %d, capacity: %d, data: %v\n", len(d), cap(d), d)


a: length: 4, capacity: 4, data: [0 0 0 0]
b: length: 4, capacity: 4, data: [0 1 2 0]
c: length: 4, capacity: 4, data: [1 2 3 4]
d: length: 4, capacity: 4, data: [5 6 7 0]

Properties of arrays

var a [4]int = [4]int{1, 2, 3, 4}
b := a
a[1] = 999


[1 999 3 4]
[1 2 3 4]


A slice declared as:

var name []type

is a data structure describing a piece of an array with three properties:

Go slice

A slice is not an array. It describes a section of the underlying array stored under the ptr pointer.

Initializing a slice

var a []int            // nil slice
b := []int{0, 1, 2, 3} // slice initialized with specified array
c := make([]int, 4)    // slice of size 4 initialized with zero-valued array of size 4
d := make([]int, 4, 5) // slice of size 4 initialized with zero-valued array of size 5

fmt.Printf("a: length: %d, capacity: %d, pointer to underlying array: %p, data: %v, is nil: %t\n", len(a), cap(a), a, a, a == nil)
fmt.Printf("b: length: %d, capacity: %d, pointer to underlying array: %p, data: %v, is nil: %t\n", len(b), cap(b), b, b, b == nil)
fmt.Printf("c: length: %d, capacity: %d, pointer to underlying array: %p, data: %v, is nil: %t\n", len(c), cap(c), c, c, c == nil)
fmt.Printf("d: length: %d, capacity: %d, pointer to underlying array: %p, data: %v, is nil: %t\n", len(d), cap(d), d, d, d == nil)


a: length: 0, capacity: 0, pointer to underlying array: 0x0, data: [], is nil: true
b: length: 4, capacity: 4, pointer to underlying array: 0xc00001e060, data: [0 1 2 3], is nil: false
c: length: 4, capacity: 4, pointer to underlying array: 0xc00001e080, data: [0 0 0 0], is nil: false
d: length: 4, capacity: 5, pointer to underlying array: 0xc000016180, data: [0 0 0 0], is nil: false

As we see in the output, var a []int creates a nil slice - a slice that has the length and capacity equal to 0, and no underlying array.

Go nil slice

Initializing a slice with the specified array, i.e., b := []int{0, 1, 2, 3}, creates a new slice with capacity and length taken from the underlying array.

Slice initialized with specified array

A slice can also be initialized with the built-in make() function that takes the type of a slice as the first argument and the length as the second. The resulting slice has a capacity equals to the length, and the underlying array is initialized with zero values.

Slice initialized with make(Type, len)

There is also an alternative version of the make() function with three arguments: the first is the type of a slice, the second is the length, and the third is the capacity. In this way, you can create a slice with a capacity greater than the length.

Slice initialized with make(Type, len, cap)

Properties of slices

var a []int = []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
b := a
a[1] = 999


[1 999 3 4]
[1 999 3 4]

Length and capacity

You already know that capacity is the size of the slice’s underlying array and length is the number of the slice elements, but what is the relationship between them? To understand this better, let’s analyze the re-slicing and appending operations.


Re-slicing is an operation that creates a new slice from an existing one or an array. To “slice” an array or “re-slice” an existing slice, use a half-open range with two indices separated by a colon:

var arr [4]int = [4]int{1, 2, 3, 4}
a := arr[1:3]
fmt.Printf("a: length: %d, capacity: %d, data: %v\n", len(a), cap(a), a)


a: length: 2, capacity: 3, data: [2 3]

We get the same results for the slice:

var s []int = []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
a := s[1:3]
fmt.Printf("a: length: %d, capacity: %d, data: %v\n", len(a), cap(a), a)


a: length: 2, capacity: 3, data: [2 3]
Re-slicing - slice a

Re-slicing a slice or an array creates a new slice with length given by indices range and capacity equal to the number of elements in the underlying array from the index of the first element of the slice to the end of the array. See two more examples of re-slicing operation - for range without the first index s[:3], and without the last index s[3:]:

b := s[:3]
fmt.Printf("b: length: %d, capacity: %d, data: %v\n", len(b), cap(b), b)


b: length: 3, capacity: 4, data: [1 2 3]
Re-slicing - slice b

c := s[3:]
fmt.Printf("c: length: %d, capacity: %d, data: %v\n", len(c), cap(c), c)


c: length: 1, capacity: 1, data: [4]
Re-slicing - slice c

The append() function

Appending is one of the most important operations for slices. Since arrays in Go are immutable, only with the append() function we can get a variable-length data collection. However, as we know, underneath slices still use arrays. The example below shows what happens when the number of slice items exceeds its capacity.

var s []int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    fmt.Printf("length: %d, capacity: %d, address: %p\n", len(s), cap(s), s)
    s = append(s, i)


length: 0, capacity: 0, address: 0x0
length: 1, capacity: 1, address: 0xc00001c0a0
length: 2, capacity: 2, address: 0xc00001c0b0
length: 3, capacity: 4, address: 0xc00001e080
length: 4, capacity: 4, address: 0xc00001e080
length: 5, capacity: 8, address: 0xc000020140
length: 6, capacity: 8, address: 0xc000020140
length: 7, capacity: 8, address: 0xc000020140
length: 8, capacity: 8, address: 0xc000020140
length: 9, capacity: 16, address: 0xc000026200

As you can see in the output, every time the length of the slice is beyond its capacity (the length of the underlying array), the append() function expands the slice by allocating a new underlying array of twice its size and copying all of its elements there. Notice that the pointer to the underlying array changes with each change in capacity.


To understand the length and capacity of slices in Go, it is important to understand how slices work and what is the difference between slices and arrays. Slices are built on top of arrays to provide variable-length data collections. They consist of three elements - a pointer to the underlying array (underneath, slices use arrays as data storage), the length of the slice, and the capacity - the size of the underlying array. These 3 properties are copied when a slice value is passed, but the new pointer always points to the same shared array. The append() function makes slices expandable, creating a powerful and expressive data structure, one of the most used in Go.

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