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🖨️ Convert string to []byte or []byte to string in Go

introduction strings slice

To convert a string to a byte slice in Go, use the standard []byte conversion expression []byte(string). To convert a byte slice to a string, use the string([]byte) conversion.

Convert a string to a byte slice

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // string to []byte
    data := []byte("Hello on")


[72 101 108 108 111 32 111 110 32 104 116 116 112 115 58 47 47 103 111 115 97 109 112 108 101 115 46 100 101 118]

Convert a byte slice to a string

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // []byte to string
    str := string([]byte{72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 111, 110, 32, 104, 116, 116, 112, 115, 58, 47, 47, 103, 111, 115, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101, 115, 46, 100, 101, 118})


Hello on

The difference between a string and a byte slice

The conversion between a string and a byte slice is so simple because a string is technically a read-only slice of bytes. You can take a fragment of a string just like a fragment of a slice or an array:

s := " is the best Golang website in the world!"


But you can’t modify a string:

s := "🌈"
s[5] = 32 // compiler error: cannot assign to s[5] (strings are immutable)

A byte slice can be modified:

s := []byte("🌈")
s[5] = 32



You can also loop over the individual bytes of a string in the same way as with a byte slice, using the for loop. The examples:

s := "🌈"
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
    fmt.Println(i, s[i])


b := []byte("🌈")
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
    fmt.Println(i, b[i])

return the same output:

0 240
1 159
2 140
3 136
4 32
5 71
6 79
7 83
8 65
9 77
10 80
11 76
12 69
13 83
14 46
15 100
16 101
17 118

You may wonder why the 13-character text is 18 bytes long. This is because the character 🌈 is encoded with 4 bytes in UTF-8 (all strings in Go are UTF-8). For texts containing characters encoded with more than 1 byte, there is another difference between using strings and byte slices, in the behavior of the for range loop. When you use the for range loop on a string, you iterate over runes (Unicode code points):

s := "🌈"
for i, c := range s {
    fmt.Printf("%d: %c\n", i, c)


0: 🌈
5: G
6: O
7: S
8: A
9: M
10: P
11: L
12: E
13: S
14: .
15: d
16: e
17: v

When you use the for range on a byte slice, you iterate over individual bytes:

b := []byte("🌈")
for i, c := range b {
    fmt.Printf("%d: %c\n", i, c)


0: ð
5: G
6: O
7: S
8: A
9: M
10: P
11: L
12: E
13: S
14: .
15: d
16: e
17: v

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