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🥇 How to uppercase the first letter of each word in Go

shorts strings

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If you want to make a title from your string in Go, i.e., make the first letter of each word in the string uppercase, you need to use the cases.Title() function from the package. The function creates a language-specific title caser that capitalizes the first letter of each word.

Also check out how to convert an entire string to uppercase here.

Look at the example below. We create a new generic title caser using undefined language language.Und. If you are sure that your strings are in a specific language, you can set it, for example, language.English, language.German, etc. Next, we transform the string using the created caser with the Caser.String() method. The result is a string where the first letter of each word is capitalized, and the remaining letters are lowercase.

package main

import (


func main() {
    fmt.Println(cases.Title(language.Und).String(" is the best Go bLog in the world!"))

Output: Is The Best Go Blog In The World!

If you want to disable the lowercasing of non-leading letters, use the cases.NoLower option as the second parameter of the cases.Title() function.

package main

import (


func main() {
    fmt.Println(cases.Title(language.Und, cases.NoLower).String(" is the best Go bLog in the world!"))

Output: Is The Best Go BLog In The World!

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🔠 String to uppercase in Go

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